Ministry Opportunities:
Outreach & Social Justice

Judith, Dorothy and Rhoda person our booth at Eugene Pride 2013.
- Parade and Booth staffing annually
- Community of Welcoming Congregations
- Oregon United for Marriage
- Eugene Celebration Booth staffing annually
- St. Andrew’s Food Pantry
- Rose Haven – support for women and children
- Publicity—articles, events, advertising
- Mass and faith sharing in your community or in your home:
If you live outside the area served by Sophia Christi (Eugene/Portland, OR and Battle Ground, WA) and you are interested in hosting a Liturgy in your community, or if you would like to invite a group to your home for Eucharist and conversation, please contact Pastor Toni to make arrangements.
Ministry Within the Sophia Christi community:
- Liturgical Ministry
- Lector
- Eucharistic Minister
- Hospitality/Greeter
- Musician/Choir
- Altar Server
- Prayer Ministry
We have one dedicated prayer minister currently receiving the prayer intentions of Sophia Christi members. Others pray-ers are welcome to become involved.
- Community Ministry
- Connecting the community through phone contact, home visits, care and attention to needs within the extended family of Sophia Christi
- Visiting/supporting the ill and homebound
- Library/Librarian
Books, video and audio materials held at our Portland location available for circulation
- Parish Council
- Commitment of time and focus on the vision and mission of Sophia Christi
- Anchor point for the extended family residing in two geographic locations—Eugene and Portland, OR.