News from Sophia Christi

Mass Schedule — November 2018

November 1st, 2018

Mass in Portland will be Saturday, November 10, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2823 N. Rosa Parks Way at 5:00pm. Please bring an entree, salad or veggie dish for our potluck meal. Choir rehearsal begins at 4:00 and all interested singers and musicians are invited to come and participate.

Mass in Eugene will be Sunday, November 11, at First Congregational Church, UCC, 1050 E. 23rd, at 4:00pm. A potluck follows our celebration. Please bring an entree, salad or veggie dish to share. If you are interested in being part of the choir as a musician or singer, please come at 3:00 for rehearsal.

The Wealth/Power Game

November 1st, 2018

Of all the Gospel passages we read in our three-year lectionary cycle today’s story challenges the consumerist air we breathe like no other. What does it take for humans to really let go of that compulsion to acquire the goods of the earth whatever the cost to others, the health of the planet or even our own health and equilibrium? The story lets us know the abuse of wealth and power has plagued human societies far longer than any of us have been alive. 2,000 years ago the problem of wealth vs. poverty was as real as it is today. The belief that prosperity is a sign of God’s favor has clearly been around for a very long time. What does discipleship require of us if not, at least, a willingness to confront the cultural expectation that we consume more and more of the goods that surround us in order to drive the engine of our national economy? What does a disciple of Jesus do with his instruction to “sell what you have and give to the poor, then come and follow me?” And if we do take Jesus’ words seriously then what does discipleship in this time, in our lives, look like? Let’s say we actually disengage from those things that provide a sense of security and safety and a feeling of control over our lives. Where does that leave us? There is something so countercultural in Jesus’ invitation to the youth in today’s Gospel that it was countercultural even in Jesus’ time 2,000 years ago! (more…)