Mass in Portland will be Saturday, July 11, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2823 N. Rosa Parks Way at 5:00pm. We will celebrate the Baptism of Angelina Valdez with her parents Elizabeth and Brian. Please bring entreés, salads, veggie dishes and desserts for a delicious potluck meal. Choir rehearsal begins at 4:00 and all interested singers and musicians are invited to come and participate.
Mass in Eugene will be Sunday, July 12, at First Congregational Church, UCC, 1050 E. 23rd, at 4:00pm. This will be a guitar Mass with potluck following our celebration. Please bring entreés, salads, veggie dishes and desserts to share. If you are interested in being part of the choir as a musician or singer, please come at 3:00 for rehearsal.
Mass in Battle Ground will be Sunday July 5 and 26, at 10:30am. Bring non-perishable food and hygiene items for the North Clark County Food Bank as well as healthy food to share after Mass.