Mass in Portland will be Saturday, December 13, at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2823 N. Rosa Parks Way at 5:00pm. Potluck follows. Please bring your favorite holiday entreés, vegetable dishes, salads and desserts. Choir rehearsal begins at 4:00 and all interested singers and musicians are invited to come and participate.
Mass in Eugene will be Sunday, December 14, at First Congregational Church, UCC, 1050 E. 23rd, at 4:00pm. A potluck follows Mass. Please bring your favorite holiday dish to share at the potluck afterwards: entreés, veggies, salads, and desserts. If you are interested in being part of the choir as a musician or singer, please come at 3:00 for rehearsal.
Christmas Eve Mass in Eugene, will be Wednesday, December 24, at 9:00pm. This will be our 4th annual Christmas Eve celebration at the home of Dianne and Amanda. The address and directions are posted in the member portal of the Sophia Christi website. You may also request directions from Toni by responding to this email or by calling 503-286-3584. All are invited and welcome!
Masses in Battle Ground will be Sunday December 7 and 28 at 10:30am. Bring non-perishable food and hygiene items for St. Vincent de Paul as well as healthy food to share after Mass.