News from Sophia Christi

Post Traumatic Growth

April 26th, 2014

Out of the agonizing events of Good Friday, Easter blossoms from the tomb, not like a bursting flare of fireworks but slowly, awakening minds and hearts to the shocking revelation that Jesus, having died, is now ALIVE.

“We ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead,” Peter says.  “I have seen the Lord,” says Mary.

Everything in Christianity is anchored in recognition of the resurrected Jesus, the Christ of faith.

When Mary first encounters Jesus in the garden she is still traumatized by the events surrounding his execution the day before.  She is in shock, disoriented in her grief, and searching for his body which she believes to have been stolen.  Her attention is focused in the past, in the scenes of his humiliation and death, in the memories of his life and her experiences with him.  It’s what we all do in the face of loss as we struggle to get our bearings, wrestle with despair and collapse in the anguish of wrenched hearts, minds and lives.  But when Jesus says her name, she turns from the past to the present moment and recognizes the one she has been so urgently seeking.  He is standing right there before her. (more…)

Hearing As Disciples Hear

April 26th, 2014

“Morning after morning, God awakens me to hear as disciples do,” says Isaiah.  “God opens my ears.”

How DO disciples hear?  How do they hear the story of the Passion?  It is possible to become so fixated on Jesus’ torturous suffering that those details are allowed to conceal the orchestrated oppression and torture of everyday people in our world today.  Even more common is the tendency to listen to these events as part of Christian history without letting the deeper message of Jesus’ example really sink in. (more…)

She Called Herself ‘The Universal Friend’

April 2nd, 2014

Jemima Wilkinson was born in Rhode Island in 1752 of Quaker parents. In 1776 she fell into a trance-like state and appeared lifeless for about 36 hours. Upon coming out of this trance, she declared that she had become another being, a minister of the Almighty sent to preach His gospel and to minister to the spiritual necessities of mankind.  She began calling herself the Public Universal Friend.  Eventually she traveled to all the major cities along the east coast preaching the gospels, talking about women’s rights, and exposing the evils of slavery.

The Friend was finding followers but she was also was the victim of angry crowds throwing rocks. Because of persecution, the Friend and about 280 members of her Society of Universal Friends moved to Western New York State in 1788.  The friend is considered to be the first American-born woman to found a religious movement.  Today, dozens of Catholic Woman Priests around the world stand on the shoulders of women like the Friend, having dedicated their lives to preaching the gospel and bringing hope to those who have none.

All that remains of the possessions of the Friend is a portrait, a bible and a few of her papers.  There is no way to look back and study her thoughts and ideas.  How times have changed in regards to the availability of information and ideas.  Sophia Christi has a website,, where you can look at Toni’s homilies. Also recordings are made of the Eugene Mass.

–Carol Zolkoske

Women, Ordination and the Man Born Blind–Sermon delivered at Bridgeport UCC

April 2nd, 2014

Just yesterday I listened briefly to a news clip from the Huffington Post of a young Baptist minister in AZ.  He was preaching from the first letter of Paul to Timothy—a letter ascribed to Paul, though most scholars agree it was not written by Paul.  This young man was telling his congregation that women must be silent in the church.  He went so far as to say that women aren’t allowed to say ‘amen’ in his church because ‘amen’ is an affirmation of truth, and women can only RECEIVE truth, not affirm it.  Women are to simply listen and receive the teachings from their minister or their husband.  They must never teach, preach or lead MEN in any way!!

Contrast this position with what you heard last week in Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well.  She engaged Jesus in a complex theological discussion which led her to not only believe in him, but to EVANGELIZE her entire village!

What this Arizona pastor is telling his congregation is adamantly opposed to Jesus’ inclusive ministry.  It is a patently un-Christian message built on a misogynistic belief system.  If anything is pure heresy—THIS is. (more…)